Recomendações para lidar com os média digitais As crianças entram desde cedo em contacto com os média digitais, principalmente porque smartphone,...
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Tallooyinka lagula macaamilo warbaahinta casriga ah Carruurta waxay la kulmaan warbaahinta dhijitaalka xili hore, ma ahan ugu yaraan sababtoo ah mobee...
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Rekomandime për përdorimin e mediave dixhitale Kontaktin e tyre të parë me mediat dixhitale, fëmijët e fillojnë herët dhe kjo jo për faktin s...
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Recomendaciones sobre el uso de los medios digitales Los niños entran en contacto con los medios digitales a muy temprana edad, entre otros motivos, ...
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THE IMPACT OF COUNTER-NARRATIVES Tanya Silverman Christopher J. Stewart Insights from a year-long cross-platform pilot study of counter-narrative cura...
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